As the famous author of fairy tales Hans Christian Andersen once said: “Where words fail, music speaks”.
Your child may not be the next Mozart or Beethoven when it comes to musical skills, but one never knows, right? … You may be surprised. It is important to introduce your children to various fields of art and culture, allowing them to create and discover at their own pace. Music always has an educational purpose in the overall development of children. The beautiful world of music and sounds has much to offer. Singing or playing a musical instrument can be very soothing and calming; it will help various feelings and emotions to come out, as well as excessive energy, that many toddlers accumulate. Teach your kid to share feelings through music, to create sound with a purpose and a story behind it. We offer a wide selection of colorful musical instruments of the highest quality: pianos, xylophones, wooden maracas, flutes, drums, harmonicas, ukulele, banjos and even accordions.
Playing on a toy drum set or a colorful xylophone can help your child hone their fine motor skills. Those skills are important so it is a good idea to support their interest in music anyway you can. It has also been proven that when children learn to play instruments and read sheet music, they are improving their math abilities and problem solving skills. Playing an instrument increases brain development and neural activity, teaches hand- eye coordination, as well as patience and commitment, it improves memory and IQ, helps with the multitasking skills, trains the ability to focus. Not to mention, that music unites us all, so spend some beautiful time bonding with your child, creating music and learning together!