Ushanka hat that changed the world!
Russian rabbit fur hat
It is still a mystery where the original Ushanka came from, but this awesome Russian rabbit fur hat is so comfortable and so much fun, that it became very popular around the globe. The big contribution to Ushanka's popularity came from a Hollywood movie, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, in the main role as a Russian police officer (1988 Red Heat). Our store offers one of the largest selections of Ushanka hats in North America and we know that you'll be able to find the right Ushanka just for you!
Military Hats Ushanka
Military hats are among of today’s hottest fashion trends. Historically used as gear for war and battle, nowadays people are sporting it as part of their daily outfits. This type of hat was originally used by soldiers during training, parades or battle. It was a part of the uniform and used to distinguish one’s rank in the military. It was also used to determine what platoon or group a soldier is part of. it was used to distinguish soldiers in the battlefield.
It comes in different colors and designs. Though most people associate it with camouflage and olive green color, it can also come in white, blue or even black. It all depends on the color of a soldier’s uniform. Some are designed as side caps, there are also some designed like a beret while others resemble baseball caps. But whatever color or type of design, it was an essential part of a soldier’s uniform.
At present military hats are used as fashion pieces. Some use such hats in their daily outfits. It’s a unique fashion statement that’s sure to capture people’s attention. It’s also a fashionable way to protect oneself from the scorching heat of the sun.
But aside from being a fashion statement, the hats are used by boys who like to play pretend games involving soldiers and battlefields. Boy scouts and clubs are using it as part of their uniforms. Some people use these for reenactments of battles during special holidays. Some use them during plays and other activities that involve pretending to be a soldier. The hats are a timeless piece that reflects the history and heritage of a person. It can be used for different occasions such as plays, games or as a part of one’s daily outfit.
Look forward to the cold just so you can wear your Ushanka!
A ushanka (in Russian, literally meaning "ear hat"), also called, shapka, bomber hat, aviator's hat, trooper hat or trapper's hat, is a Russian fur hat with ear flaps, which can be tied up to the crown of the hat, or tied at the chin to protect the ears, jaw and lower chin from the cold. The thick dense fur also offers some protection against blunt impacts to the head when it's slippery outside.
Hats with flexible earflaps made of fur have been worn by people in Russia, Germany and Scandinavia for centuries. Such hats also were used by ancient Scythians and various nomads of the Central Asia, as well as by the peoples living in the Arctic region.
However, the standard modern-type ushanka with a perfectly round hat crown became massively used only in the 20th century, in Russia.
The ushanka became a symbol and media icon of the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation. Photographs of U.S. President Gerald Ford wearing the hat during a 1974 visit to the Soviet Union were seen as a possible sign of détente. In 1991, with the fall of the Soviet Union came the first wave of commercially imported Russian winter hats into the United States and other Western countries.
Russian Ushankas are completely winter-ready, just waiting for the time when you're preparing to go outside to shovel that snow off your driveway or enjoy a walk in the mountains. And when you are planning a trip somewhere REALLY cold and windy an ushanka is the best solution. It stays on your head, no matter how hard the wind blows (bonus point)! To add to your enjoyment, you will surely have TOTAL strangers approach you and saying, "Now THAT is an awesome hat!"
Ushanka in modern world
An ushanka hat is more than just a stylish piece of winter wardrobe – its versatility is legendary, as there are numerous different combination of wearing this warm and cozy hat, based on the specific weather conditions.
You can wear it with ears fixed on the top of the head - this is the classical look! You can wear it with ears unfolded. It's a cute and casual look! You can wear it with ears folded back. It's extra neck protection and it's easier to get on and off. You can tie the ear flaps at the chin. Your cheeks will rest on soft fur.
Ushanka has been time-tested over centuries of use by countless numbers of people – people with strong wills, people with powerful personalities, and people with tremendous drive to keep going forward, no matter what. No cold, wind, or snow could break through the ushanka’s defenses.
The Russian ushanka hats are constantly gaining in popularity and now, even fashion designers are starting to include these special Russian hats in their new collections! Many celebrities, including Madonna, Lily Allen, and Alexandra Richards, are adopting this great head wear!
For instance, at the latest Grammys-2018 red carpet it was rapper Tyler, The Creator who stole the show wearing an ushanka. He incorporated a fluffy white ushanka-hat into his outfit, making it a centerpiece of his eye-catching look. Tyler, The Creator sported traditional Russian Ushanka hat that boasted the Sickle and Hammer soviet symbol, once again confirming a strong presence of ushanka-hat in popular culture.
Nowadays, ushankas come in a great variety of colors and with the help of a sparkling brooch you can add that final touch that will complete your winter look. Try matching or contrasting the brooch color with the color of your eyes or your Russian Hat for that extra touch of glamour!
We offer a great selection of Ushankas!
Whether you are a tough military guy or a skinny model, you will find the Ushanka hat exactly to your liking, showing off your unique character and style! Our wide selection of Ushankas includes:
If you are considering an Ushanka hat to complement your favorite outfit you will find a variety of Ushanka hats to choose from! Ladies have a choice of many different styles and colors, as well as Ushankas with print and natural rabbit fur. Now you can look stylish and very feminine in your beautiful Russian hat.
Our natural mouton fur Russian Ushanka hat is a great addition to any man's wardrobe! Once you try it, you will never want to take it off! Relive the magic of the way of the north with your elegant and modern shapka Ushanka.